Tényleg jó kis film, de azért mielőtt mesterműnek titulálnánk, lássuk néhány jelenet rövid leírását:
"The professor continues, using a dinner party at his friends’ house to illustrate a point he is making. We then cut to the ‘dinner’ party which is being held in a modern bourgeois apartment.The guests are seated around the table on flushing toilets. They politely discuss various issues around the topic of defecation whilst publicly using the toilets that they are sitting on. When a guest is hungry, he excuses himself and retires to a private cubicle to eat food."
"The scene features a married couple and their marriage counsellor. The marriage guidance counsellor flirts with a receptive wife rather than giving the couple advice, and the housband fails to react to this behaviour and stand up for himself."
"We follow one of the policemen, who is having his shoes shined. We then follow the man who is sitting next to him to the top of a tower block. This man is a sniper who randomly kills people in the streets below. He is arrested, found guilty and sentenced to death but leaves the courtroom to be treated as a celebrity."
"The scene involves a man and his wife who are enjoying a night out at an expensive French restaurant, only to discover that they have been given a dirty fork, and the husband politely asks the waiter to replace his dirty fork. When the head waiter arrives, he demands that the entire washing-up staff be fired..."
A fenti négy jelenet közül kettő igazából nem is A szabadság fantomjából van, hanem egy-egy Monty Python-szkeccsből...
Egy kicsit aggasztó, ahogy kezd elkurvulni ez a blog... azt hiszem át kellene keresztelnem olvasónaplónak. Pl. itt van ez a másik blog, ahol kifejezetten összeszedett és informatív módon írnak a filmben előforduló önéletrajzi elemekről:
Renowned for his ability to work to tight budgets and schedules, Buñuel was more concerned with constructing ideas than complex sets or Expressionistic cinematic style. One example of his economic style is the scene where the prefect of police receives a telephone call from his dead sister; we don’t have to see the corpse reach out from the coffin – it is easier to show the telephone (a cheap prop), and allow our imaginations to construct the scenario. It is also interesting to note the lack of a musical score in the soundtrack, subtle sound effects (for which Buñuel is credited) are used to create atmosphere. One example of this is the riot at the end of the film, suggested only by the sound effects.
Egy szürrealista film megnézése után minden olyan szürreálisnak tűnik: ahogy Marco Lanzagorta (a neves filmkritikus) két egymást követő mondatában kétszer ír le olyat a film történetéről, amit félreértett:
"A physician offers a cigarette to a patient whom he had just diagnosed with pulmonary cancer. The judicial system leaves a mass murderer free."
Aztán ahogy a wikipedia hol emuról, hol struccról beszél:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phantom_of_Liberty_(film)
Meg abban is van valami szürreális, ahogy valaki szisztematikusan összeválogatta a filmben előforduló kocsimárkákat: www.imcdb.org/movie_71487-Le-fantome-de-la-liberte.html
Például azt a tankot, amivel a katonák rókavadászatra mennek, Ford M8 Greyhoundnak hívják.