Két ok arra, hogy megnézzük a filmet (és feltétlenül angolul, mert a magyar szinkron nem igazán tud mit kezdeni a fekete akcentussal):
Kirk Lazarus:
The character of Kirk Lazarus was originally written as Irish. It was changed to Australian, when Robert Downey Jr. said it would be easier for him to improvise in an Australian accent.
Did anyone else catch the fourth wall break by Rob Downey Jr?
"I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude."
This line only makes sense if delivered by Downey himself to the audience (as opposed to if it was delivered by the Australian Kirk Lazarus or the African-American Sgt Osiris).
"A Trópusi vihar szinkronizált verziójában "egy ausztrál műnéger Matula bácsi" lett Robert Downey Jr.-ból."
Les Grossman:
"Hogy Ben Stiller [...]-t egy ilyen szerepre kérte fel, akkora jófejség tőle, hogy sírva tudnék fakadni nagylelkűségétől."
Apparently actors are narcissistic and Hollywood is ruthless. Stiller doesn't say anything we don't know, but stand-out turns from Downey Jr and [...] make Tropic Thunder very funny for all its flaws.
For years now, onscreen and off, [...] has seemed like a bottle of barely contained crazy; now we know what happens when the cork comes out.
What keeps everything from imploding are Downey and [...] who are willing to push every audience button and damn the politically correct torpedoes.